The threat of demonic power has returned to menace the world once again in Devil May Cry 5. The invasion begins when the seeds of a “demon tree” take root in Red Grave City. As this hellish incursion starts to take over the city, a young demon hunter Nero, arrives with his partner Nico in their “Devil May Cry” motorhome. Finding himself without the use of his right arm, Nero enlists Nico, a self-professed weapons artist, to design a variety of unique mechanical Devil Breaker arms to give him extra powers to take on evil demons such as the blood sucking flying Empusa and giant colossus enemy Goliath.
- High octane stylized action – Featuring three playable characters each with a radically different stylish combat play style as they take on the city overrun with demons
- Groundbreaking graphics – Developed with Capcom’s in-house proprietary RE engine, the series continues to achieve new heights in fidelity with graphics that utilize photorealistic character designs and stunning lighting and environmental effects.
- Take down the demonic invasion – Battle against epic bosses in adrenaline fueled fights across the over-run Red Grave City all to the beat of a truly killer soundtrack.
- Demon hunter – Nero, one of the series main protagonists and a young demon hunter who has the blood of Sparda, heads to Red Grave City to face the hellish onslaught of demons, with weapons craftswoman and new partner-in-crime, Nico. Nero is also joined by stylish, legendary demon hunter, Dante and the mysterious new character, V.
Release date
8 March 2019
Minimum Requirements*
- OS:WINDOWS® 7, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required)
- Processor:Intel® Core™ i5-4460, AMD FX™-6300, or better
- Memory:8 GB RAM
- Graphics:NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 760 or AMD Radeon™ R7 260x with 2GB Video RAM, or better
- DirectX:Version 11
- Storage:35 GB available space
Recommended Requirements*
- OS:WINDOWS® 7, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required)
- Processor:Intel® Core™ i7-3770, AMD FX™-9590, or better
- Memory:8 GB RAM
- Graphics:NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 with 6GB VRAM, AMD Radeon™ RX 480 with 8GB VRAM, or better
- DirectX:Version 11
- Storage:35 GB available space
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