How to Insert a Live Stock Ticker or Financial Data into a PowerPoint Slide?

PowerPoint presentations are not only about static visuals, but they can also incorporate live data to enhance the audience’s engagement and provide real-time information. By adding a live stock ticker or financial data into a PowerPoint slide, you can make your presentations more dynamic and informative. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of inserting a live stock ticker or financial data into a PowerPoint slide, ensuring your audience stays up-to-date with the latest market information.

Step 1: Choose a Reliable Data Source:

  • Research and identify a reliable data source for the live stock ticker or financial data you want to showcase.
  • Popular options include financial websites, stock market APIs, or specific data providers.

Step 2: Get the Embed Code for the Ticker or Data:

  • Visit the chosen data source and locate the section for embedding data.
  • Look for an option to generate or copy the embed code for the live stock ticker or financial data.

Step 3: Open PowerPoint and Select a Slide:

  • Launch PowerPoint on your computer and open the presentation where you want to insert the live stock ticker or financial data.
  • Navigate to the slide you want to work with.

Step 4: Insert an HTML Web Object:

  • Go to the “Insert” tab in the PowerPoint toolbar.
  • Click on the “Web Object” or “Online Content” button to insert an HTML web object onto your slide.

Step 5: Paste the Embed Code:

  • In the web object dialog box, paste the generated or copied embed code from the chosen data source.
  • Ensure that the web object is set to the appropriate dimensions and fits within the slide.

Step 6: Preview and Fine-Tune:

  • Switch to the slideshow or presentation mode to preview how the live stock ticker or financial data will appear.
  • If necessary, make adjustments to the size, position, or formatting of the web object to ensure optimal visibility and readability.

Step 7: Refresh the Data:

  • To keep the live stock ticker or financial data up-to-date during the presentation, identify any necessary refresh options provided by the data source.
  • Configure the refresh settings, such as the frequency or interval, to ensure the data updates dynamically.

Step 8: Test and Finalize:

  • Test the live stock ticker or financial data during a full run-through of your presentation.
  • Ensure that the data updates as expected and remains visually appealing.
  • Make any final adjustments or refinements as needed.


By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effortlessly insert a live stock ticker or financial data into a PowerPoint slide, providing real-time information and enhancing the interactivity of your presentations. Keep your audience engaged and informed with the latest market updates using this dynamic feature. With the ability to showcase live data within your slides, your presentations will become more valuable and impactful for investors, financial professionals, and anyone seeking real-time financial information.

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